Jan 23, 2010


Our new blog has been officially launched!

Lasbella Paris 2010...

Ever wonder why Lasbella Paris?

It's actually derived from the phrase in Bahasa Melayu - LAwatan Sambil BELAjar ke PARIS 2010 and that extra L adds in a little French taste to it as Belle in French means beautiful.Voila! Here you go...

Since January 2010, this blogsite was born in conjunction with the planning of our UKM French Class Study Trip to Paris. We are a bunch of diversified students hailing from UKM *obviously* coming from different fields. We are fired up with the passion of learning to speak francais, picking up the parts and parcel about France - her culture, her customs, her people, her everything...

So, if you are curiously wondering..."Why should I be here? It has nothing related to me..."


We would like to sincerely invite y'all to embark on this blog journey with us. We would use this blog as a platform to learn about the basic French communication, tell about our stories and share about the beautiful city of Paris. We hope that along this odyssey with us, you can also take something useful back with you and see Paris through our eyes.

I believe that whenever we see the world through others' eyes, we see something different. The more different those eyes are from ours, the more different the experience will be. Maybe interesting, maybe shocking, maybe something new.

Just like the quote from Marcel Proust: "The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes, but in having new eyes."

Let the adventure begins...


Re said...

bon courage LASBELLA!