This is what I was talking about in the first post. Some of you asked whether will we be learning like 7 words per week? Nope...this is much more interesting and practical! Or, is there really, really something for us to learn from this blog? My answer is a definite yes!

So, stay with us and here is how we are going to do it. It is not complicated...just read on!

First thing first, we will be using this just as a reference. The rest will depend on your own initiative. As a matter of fact, we are not French experts (yet), so like you peeps out there, we are also learning with you along the way.

So, learning French in just 15 minutes a day? Too good to be true?

We will call this the Frenchy come in here everyday drilling the will become a little Frenchy like us!

A little bit of preview of what you are going to learn throughout this Frenchy Drill...

Week 1 - Introductions
Week 2 - Eating and Drinking
Week 3 - Making Arrangements
Week 4 - Travel
Week 5 - Getting Around
Week 6 - Accommodation
Week 7 - Shopping
Week 8 - Work and Study
Week 9 - Health
Week 10 - At Home
Week 11 - Services
Week 12 - Leisure and Socializing
FINAL WEEK - Reinforce and Progress

Just 13 weeks from next week and that's exactly 91 days before we go to Paris! (Have a peep at that countdown clock on your right...)

So, you must have noticed that beautiful Lasbella Paris Cover Flap on the sidebar on your right. Wondering how you can use that for?

Like you have read earlier, the cover flap allows you to conceal the French so that you can test whether you have remembered correctly. It's draggable, try it!

Now we are good to go! Haven't bookmarked us? Do it now...and come back next Monday for our first lesson.

Oh, another thing before I forget, if you all have any doubts about French on any subjects? How to pronounce? What's the meaning? Or any particular words you all wan to learn? Feel free to shoot in the comment box. Our professor might drop by once in a while or we could pitch in some help by answering as much as we can!

Bon Courage! (Good luck)

Au Revoir...=) (Goodbye)